Scripture: Joel 2:12-13
But there’s also this, help it’s not too late—
God’s personal Message!—
“Come back to me and really mean it!
Come fasting and weeping, sorry for your sins!”
Change your life, not just your clothes.
Come back to God, your God.
The greatest mistake we as a species ever made is imagining ourselves separate from the nature of God. By coming to believe we are distinct creatures—creatures not even worthy of God’s love, we have done a disservice to ourselves, our planet, and the nature of God. And make no mistake about it, we did this to ourselves. God did not cause all the turmoil and trouble in this world (although one could easily argue religion hasn’t done us any favors). No, by turning our backs on God, we have lost our way and devolved into warring tribes hell-bent on destroying each other over land, ideology, or skin color.
As we enter this Lenten season of prayer and repentance, let’s really be sorry for our actions against each other. Let’s find real repentance for all the harm we do each other, for all the violence that keeps us apart from the God of Love who so desires reunification that we are begged to come weeping and sorrowful. Let’s remember that giving up chocolate means nothing, but that giving up regret means hope. Let’s remember that fasting is not simply to prove some ascetic point, but is entwined with deep study and meditation. The next 40 days give us the opportunity to focus on our relationship with God intensely, as we journey to God’s ultimate revelation of our true nature. So let’s think about giving up all our negative thoughts about ourselves and others, and letting God instead fill our minds with love, compassion, mercy, justice, and the strength to stand up to an oppressive world.
Prayer: Fortify me Lord, so that I’ll have the strength to speak out against oppression. Fill me with your wisdom, God of Infinite Intelligence, so that I may never be spiritually hungry again. Amen.