Scripture: Leviticus 23:26–28
The Lord said to Moses, sales “The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present a food offering to the Lord. “Do not do any work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before the Lord your God.
Thought for the Day: In modern culture the word “atonement” is most frequently associated with a penalty one serves, like community service, or perhaps praying the Rosary three times for calling your little brother a jerk. A big, stinky jerk! That’s three more times around the Rosary, please.
There is indeed power in repentance, but I don’t think we should see repentance as a penalty. It’s a gift. Being able to honestly bare your soul to God is the most incredible release we can experience, because we know that no matter what we confess, we are forgiven. All of us, without conditions. Just let it out there, get it off your chest.
Atonement is about finding deep peace with your self, through the forgiveness of God. When we really let go, we find the real meaning of atonement: at-one-ment. Much more than a penalty, deeper than confession, it is truly at-one-ment. A connection with God that plugs directly into the deepest pats of your consciousness. Atonement is a soul connection; a meal shared in deep communion with the Lord our God.
Prayer: Make me reflect deeply on my life, Lord of infinite reflection. Guide me during my times of meditation—make them deep enough for me to let go; give me the confidence to let you take over. For it is in at-one-ment with you that I truly find myself. Amen.