Quote: All misfortune is but a stepping-stone to fortune — Henry David Thoreau

Thought for the Day: A parable worth repeating… There is an ancient Chinese parable about a farmer whose horse ran away. “Oh, pharmacy that’s very bad news,” says the farmer’s friend. The farmer replies, “Good news, bad news, who can say?” A couple of days later, the horse returns, and brings another horse with it. “Wow! That’s very good news!” The farmer’s friend says encouragingly. “Good news, bad news, who can say?” The farmer replies simply.

Later, the farmer’s son is out riding the new horse, and he is thrown and breaks his leg. “Oh! What a tragedy!” exclaims the friend. “Good news, bad news, who can say?” repeats the farmer.

About a week later, the emperor’s men are riding through the town, conscripting every able-bodied young man. The farmer’s son is exempted because his leg is broken. The farmer’s friend is elated over such good news. The farmer simply says, “Good news, bad news, who’s to say?”

Prayer:  O Unfathomably Loving God, enlighten me! Open my eyes, so I can see through the veil of human perception, and experience you in every moment. Amen.