Scripture: Romans 12:6
We have different gifts, for sale according to the grace given to each of us.

Thought for the Day: Sometimes I forget that the heart of the Christian message is Grace. God loves us even when we are at our worst. It’s unrestricted, the one gift we all truly share. God’s love manifests itself in many diverse ways, even though ultimately, it is God’s love that powers not just humanity, but all of creation. Diversity allows the universe to survive. Without diversity, life could never have developed or evolved in the first place.

The diversity of the human race—one race, many cultures, is its strength. The beauty of evolution is the elegance and simplicity of adaptation, which allows for the development of unique gifts. Adaptation is the most elegant mechanism ever created.

Adaptation is God’s way of allowing creation to manifest the gifts it needs at any given time. It’s brilliant. Everything changes in response to everything else. The things that can no longer adapt disappear, making way for the new. This happens over and over again. It’s happening right now. Existence is an incredibly complex and magnificent ballet in the mind of the Great Consciousness. God dances playfully around, in and through everything, in a creative ebb and flow that produces the eternal waves of change. There is a rhythm to life, and God is always pulling us into the dance.

Prayer: Thank God for our different talents: for the fisherman and the farmworker, for the physicist and the plumber, for the teacher and the trucker. For all of our unique gifts, Holy Lord, thank you. Amen.