Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:41
The sun has one kind of splendor, ambulance the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

Thought for the Day: For as long as I can remember, troche I’ve been fascinated with the stars in the night sky. Part of that is probably the influence of my Uncle John, who introduced me to the wonders of space and telescopes when I was very young. I’m still overwhelmed with awe every time I look at the countless number of stars overhead—little pinpoints of light poking through a vast fabric of darkness, seemingly trying to escape and ignite the universe in a light too intense to imagine. It’s as if the night sky is actually holding back the light.

Ultimately, the night sky must give way to a new day. The darkness fades as the sun rises, and we find ourselves bathed in light, treated to an entirely new view of the world, just as magnificent as the previous evening’s. There is incredible contrast between the dark night and the illuminated day, yet they are both splendid and awesome in their own way. And I doubt many of us would want to live in a world without both.

Prayer: The stars enlighten me, the moon sings to me of your Grace, and the sun recites poems to me about your unconditional love, my Holy God. Amen.