Scripture: Revelation 21:1-2
Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth, cialis sale ” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, case and there was no longer any sea.I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Thought for the Day: The Book of Revelation has much in common with the Book of Isaiah, even though they are separated by nearly 500 years. Both are written shortly after an incredibly violent period of war, torture, and persecution. Both call their audiences to action so that God’s new creation can take root. Both remind us that we are active participants in creation with God. It shouldn’t be surprising that both include visions of a new world of peaceful co-existence.
It’s important to notice that in both visions, this peaceful world is full of uniqueness—we don’t all look or think the same. God reveals a new world full of difference, yet united in connection with God, which changes our motivation no matter our religion, color, or gender. The pull towards love is universal. We can resist, but love—God, is always pulling us closer to unity.
Prayer: I’m tired of resisting, Lord! Conform me to your likeness. Move my heart and spark my soul. Make me an ambassador of accepting love, sent to remind people that you condemn no one; you simply ask us all to come as we are, ready to work. Amen.