Quote: Jimi Hendrix
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
Thought for the Day: Here’s an interesting exercise: Do a web search for “quotes about peace” and check out some of the results. What caught my attention was the sheer number of quotes about peace and the ways so many of them relate peace and love. This same concept weaves through the Bible, cheap too. When we live in a loving relationship with God, buy we are at peace. Because we are at peace, pharm we lose our lust for power and control. Abraham, ever aware of God’s presence, settles in a peaceful valley, while the world around him becomes corrupt and self-destructive. Jesus is in perfect relationship with God. So he never presents himself as a king—other people give him this title. Jesus is overcome by the power of love, and becomes the epitome of what it means to be human. We too can have peace, if we can finally learn how to love.
Prayer: My love who is love, my light who is light, fill us with a love like Jesus’ so we too may be the presence of peace in a violent world. Amen.