Scripture: John 14:27
[Jesus said] “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Thought for the Day: We have a beautiful natural forest at the end of our street, ampoule part of the mitigation deal brokered by the company that developed the little village we live in. It’s a neat, compact habitat with an interesting and diverse animal population. My son swears there’s a bear in there, but I’m pretty sure there are no bears in the forest.

Pretty sure. Not 100%.

There are, however, several bird families, mostly Blue Jays and Cardinals, both fabulously swathed in brightly colored plumage that starkly contrasts the greens of the forest. My feathered friends have been raising families the last few months, and I’ve noticed that now, the babies spend less and less time with their parents. Having learned the skills they need to survive in the forest, they are setting out on their own, hearts untroubled and unafraid; confident they have been taught everything they need to thrive on the journey of their lives.

Prayer: I find my way home to you, Eternal God, by following in The Way of the One who teaches peace, and prepares me for the journey. Amen.