Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:6
The Spirit of the Lord will come on you in power, prescription and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.
Thought for the Day: There are many themes that run throughout the Bible, recipe from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. But to me, thumb few are more powerful than the recurring theme of transformation. In the Bible, as in our world, God works through individuals and groups, through governments and churches, through cities, states, and nations to change the world.
As Christians around the world participate in Holy Week celebrations, I urge us all to think about the events of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection as a story of transformation. This week isn’t only about Jesus, it’s about all of us. Jesus represents every single one of us up on that cross, everyone who’s ever been on a spiritual journey, especially a journey that’s put your spiritual revelations against the mainstream. Jesus represents everyone who’s ever been hurt, oppressed, abused, enslaved, impoverished, homeless, hungry or hunted. And ultimately, Jesus represents God’s desire, willingness, and ability to save us from the treacheries of the world, whether inflicted upon us by others, or ourselves.
Prayer: Drive me to become ever more aware of your transformative presence in my life, God who strings us all together in ways unseen, yet somehow always known. Amen.