Scripture: Psalm 126:5-6
Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping, generic
carrying seed to sow, stuff
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
Thought for the Day: Every now and then someone will randomly ask me if I love Jesus. It’s usually someone in an airport or who’s knocked on my door, and their intention is to prove that, for whatever reason, I do not love Jesus, and until I confess my sin and accept Jesus as my savior, I will be condemned to eternal torture in the fiery pits of Hell. As if Hell could be worse than one of those conversations.
Isn’t the point of the Gospel that God loves us, even when we don’t return that love?
It’s not about how much I love God, but rather that God loves me. God loves us all, every single one of us, and we don’t need to do anything in return. Paul would say we cannot do anything in return. God loves us even when we crucify the greatest example of God’s love that’s ever existed. Beaten and bloodied by humankind’s hatred; hanging broken on the cross, Jesus still expresses God’s unconditional love for us all by simply saying, “Forgive them.”
Prayer: From the depths of my soul and the inner light of my heart, I offer praise and thanks to the One Universal Force that creates and sustains everything, through love. Amen.