Scripture: Luke 24:2-5
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, pharmacy but when they entered, sovaldi sale they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, drugstore suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?
Thought for the Day: CHRIST IS RISEN!
For centuries, this was the only creed of the Christian church. Then as now though, I think most of us have missed the point, and I think one of the clues to the deeper meaning of the risen Christ is found in the question, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” It’s easy (maybe too easy) for us to read the story and directly relate it to the resurrection of Jesus. But the Bible is most powerful when we read through the literal and discover the metaphor. “Christ is risen” also refers to the Spirit of Christ or Christ Consciousness, rising within us. WE are the dead. WE are the people who need resurrection, because our lives have been stolen by our persistent focus on the physical world.
But with the Christ fully alive within us, we too are resurrected. It is the living spirit of God that transforms us from a dead, uninspired, selfish life into a life of sacrifice, in service to the Spirit of God within us all.
CHRIST IS RISEN! May the Christ rise in every one of our souls.
Prayer: Let me feel the power of the living Christ within me, Holy God, so that I too might be raised from the dead. Amen.