Scripture: Proverbs 27:7
One who is full loathes honey from the comb, no rx
but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.
Thought for the Day: I actually always thought the honey from the comb was pretty tasty, troche but then again I like dark-roast coffee too. Either way, I am well fed. If I like the taste of bitter food, it’s my choice. I don’t usually have to worry about my next meal, or having a roof over my head (although there have been years that were very touch and go). Yet, as I’ve traveled the country and the world playing music, I’ve noticed that no matter where I am, the creeping ignominy of poverty, of hunger and homelessness, is always close at hand.
It doesn’t have to be this way. God has provided more than enough abundance for every single one of us. God has also tasked us with the care and nurture of the planet, and each other. There is absolutely no reason anyone should be hungry or homeless in this world. Nobody needs to sleep in the cold. We talk about “No child left behind” as a (failed) educational imperative, yet there are thousands upon thousands of children that have literally been left behind—alone, cold, hungry, and sick in the streets of our wealthiest cities—over 1400 in Collier County alone, one of the wealthiest counties in the nation. It’s simply despicable.
God has provided the abundance and tasked us with care. As a community, we can change everything. If you’re in the area, please join us tonight at 7pm at Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church as officials from Collier County, and people from all faiths gather to begin implementing a plan to end hunger and homelessness in our county by 2020.
Prayer: Everything you give me, O God, I do my best to return to others. Use me as you work to eliminate hunger and homelessness from our world. Help me convince others that sharing the wealth is so much more satisfying than hoarding the wealth. Amen.