Scripture: Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news, health
who proclaim peace, sildenafil
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”

Thought for the Day: It’s funny, in a sad sort of way, that our modern civilization is so obsessed by beauty, yet we’re not really beautiful people. Oh sure, we can look at the photoshopped images in magazines, or the distortions of reality we see through the television lens, and say “He/She is beautiful,” but that’s not really beauty, it’s marketing. And Photoshop. Lots and lots of Photoshop.

Beauty doesn’t need to be Photoshopped, though. This is not to say that attractive people aren’t beautiful. Rather, I want to expand our idea of what “beauty” is, to include more than physical appearance. Are we acting as a beautiful reflection of God’s image, or not? Because ugliness is when we act contrary to the image—the perfect, beautiful image—we were created in. And yes, we are more than capable of behaving righteously. We’re not helpless. That’s an excuse. We are all called to be beautiful. Whether or not we answer that call is up to us. But we all have the capability.

Prayer: Open my eyes so I can see the beauty of everyone and everything around me, O Holy and Eternally Beautiful God. Amen.