Today’s devotional is by Trudy Kellum. Thanks, remedy Trudy!

Scripture: Jeremiah, clinic 6:16
This is what the Lord says: Stand at the crossroads and look, recipe ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

Thought for the Day: Florida’s FCAT testing for elementary, middle, and high school students has just ended. Everyone involved breathes a sigh of relief with that dreaded annual event behind us. Students spend months and even years (beginning in kindergarten) preparing for the FCAT, with an extensive amount of time devoted to developing test-taking strategies that will help them perform well on these standardized tests.

During FCAT testing weeks, students are instructed to eat better breakfasts, get more sleep, and to come to school ready to perform well on the test. Everyone in the school environment is tense. School ratings and jobs depend on the students’ performance. Most students take the test seriously and worry about scoring well, so they can move to the next grade level or be placed in the courses that they want. Wow. What would happen if all of this energy was devoted to meaningful learning rather than successful testing and performance?

How often in our lives do we narrow our focus to perform well on life’s next test, at the expense of nurturing our souls? Our lives mean more than the next test. Every day of our existence has the potential to be a transforming learning experience, not just a measure of how much we’ve accomplished compared to “the world’s” standards.

Prayer: Holy Teacher, when I am striving to meet the challenges of the day, and survive the tests of life, remind me of my true purpose. Fortify my mind, body, and soul with the wisdom, strength, and love I experience in daily communion with you. Amen.