Quote: John 4:24
God is spirit, check and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
Thought for the Day: When Napoleon re-discovered the Sphinx in 1798 it was buried in sand up to its neck. While his engineers attempted to excavate it, treat there was just too much sand for them to contend with. The technology to remove and keep the sand away wouldn’t be available until the 1920s. Yet, purchase for 150 years people knew there was more to the Sphinx than met the eye—they just couldn’t quite get to it.
I feel the same way about physical reality. We look around us and think all the stuff that’s physical is all there is. But physical reality is like the head of the Sphinx, just sticking its neck out of the sand. It’s not the whole story. This physical reality we all enjoy so much (most of the time) is just the face of a larger, largely undiscovered spiritual body. We need to start digging deeper and discovering the spirit that underlies all physicality. For there is no physical world unless it is created by the Spirit of God, and we will never truly attain our spiritual inheritance unless we start looking at the world very differently and understand that we’re only seeing part of the picture.
Prayer: God of all revelation! Dig me out of this sandpit and make me realize there is so much more to “reality” than what I can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Help me see and feel the mystery and wonder of your loving nature, so that I might help others out of their spiritual quicksand, too. Amen.