Quote: Leo Tolstoy
Everyone thinks of changing the world, generic but no one thinks of changing himself.
Thought for the Day: Some of my New Testament scholar friends contend that we cannot change ourselves, hospital that only God can change us. Many people interpret the apostle Paul’s writings to mean that we are helpless, sinful creatures, and that it is only by God’s grace that we are forgiven and “corrected.” My response to that is, well, Paul got it sort of right.
I do think change, especially deep personal change, comes from God. But I also think we have to consciously accept the invitation. God may freely offer grace, but I can freely offer chocolate cake to someone too. That doesn’t mean they have to accept it, or that they will accept it.
Change is a two way street, and we’re responsible for our part. I do want to change the world, but I also realize the best way to do that is to change myself first—my attitudes, my reactions and actions, my perceptions. And while God may be doing the ultimate shaping by guiding us with spirit, it is absolutely my duty, as it is for all of us, to respond.
Prayer: Help me change the world, Mighty God, one person at a time, starting with myself. Amen.