Scripture: Matthew 16:25
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, order but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Thought for the Day: See? It’s not so bad to be lost! Losing ourselves in a life lived following the way of Jesus helps us understand and embrace the eternal nature of our being. Humans spend a lot of time and money trying to extend our lifespans, pills ultimately to no avail. This physical life is finite. So while we’re here, do we live our lives, or do our lives live us?

When Jesus calls us to lose our life so that we might actually find it, he is speaking about our daily habits, our careers, our relationships. Jesus invites us out of the “rat race” and into the human race, leading us into a more fully realized humanity. We have yet to completely embrace life, because our lives are too busy. Humans are still a little lost, overwhelmed by the artifices of civilization. We’re still figuring out who we are. The Good News is that we have this amazing example of perfected humanity in Jesus, who not only shows us the way, but also is always with us, leading us, shaping us, and conforming us to his image. There is much to be gained by following Jesus’ teachings, and absolutely nothing to be lost. So why not give it a try?

Prayer: Okay, God. I’m scared and anxious, but mostly excited to give my life to you. Take my life and conform me to your likeness: peaceful, loving, understanding, caring, compassionate, and merciful. Amen.