Today’s devotional is by Trudy Kellum. Thanks, Trudy!

Scripture: Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Thought for the Day: This scripture speaks to me of extremes – a continuum between feelings of depression or powerlessness, and elation.  It’s incredible in the human experience, that we constantly feel simultaneous emotions along that continuum in different aspects of our lives.  We may be excelling in our work while struggling with health issues behind the scenes; we worry about our children while peacefully kissing them goodnight; we joyfully provide for the needs of one person while feeling frustrated that we can’t solve all of the world’s problems at once.

There’s a lot to cope with on that continuum!  While some solutions may come easily – springing forth suddenly out of a state of hopelessness – most longings fulfilled seem to occur after a long waiting period, or perhaps not at all.  Just as a tree takes time to grow, the waiting period is a time when our faithfulness can really take root, helping us grow and mature in unity with God.  Rather than a tree of life magically appearing before us, we become a tree of life, with a continuum of experiences behind and before us.

Prayer: God of life and longings fulfilled, thank you for every experience along the continuum of life.  My greatest longing is for my life to be rooted in you, and continually growing for your glory. Amen.