Scripture: Matthew 10:40
[Jesus said] “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, buy and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”
Thought for the Day: I recently saw an ad for a videogame based on the “Left Behind” series of books. “Eternal Clues Feed Your Soul as You Have Fun!” As I was reading through the promo material it occurred to me that the foundation of the “Left Behind” series—that some are welcome and some are not, cialis is contrary to the very heart of the Christian message. Jesus welcomed everyone without exception. How that message has turned into, “you must do what a few of us say is correct or be damned to eternal hell” is disconcerting and confusing.
We are all welcome in the kingdom of heaven, and perhaps more importantly, we are all invited to participate in the continual in-breaking of the kingdom happening here and now. The peaceful, loving, just world Jesus preached about won’t happen if we’re espousing the idea that some of us are “saved” and the rest of us are not. I’m sure this video game will sell well to a certain segment of the population. I just hope that some of the people playing the game will realize how misguided it is to think God will someday judge most of us unworthy, when Jesus has already proclaimed we are all worthy; we are all welcome to participate in the love of God, rather than the hatred of man.
Prayer: Turn my heart of stone, which wants to exclude people from your love, into the heart of Christ, which includes everyone equally in your love, O glorious and affectionate God. Amen.