Scripture: Job 31:32
But no stranger had to spend the night in the street, medical
for my door was always open to the traveler.

Thought for the Day: Can you imagine living in an age when your door could always be open to a traveler? I mean, troche a traveler in Naples couldn’t even get through the gates of most of the communities here, much less make it to someone’s house. And would the traveler receive a warm welcome once crashing the gates and trampling over the well-manicured lawns? Sure they would. By the police.

Accommodating a stranger actually happened quite frequently in the ancient world. What we know of as hostels today started as a spare bed in someone’s home several thousand years ago. And while most of us don’t run hostels out of our homes any longer, the broader implication of Job’s story is this: God is running a hostel, too, and all of us are always welcome. God doesn’t’ live in a gated community—I’ve always disliked the “pearly gates” idea. There are no gates in God’s neighborhood. Every one of us is always welcome to crash on God’s couch for a night, a month, or even a lifetime.

Prayer: Thanks for always being my home as I travel through this life, my loving and welcoming God. Amen.