Scripture: 2 Chronicles 15:4
But in their distress they turned to the Lord, medicine the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them.

Thought for the Day: Sometimes we might travel far away from home. We might set out intentionally, to discover the wonders of other cultures around the world. Maybe we need to escape from unfortunate and unbearable situations. Often, we leave home to sort of “make our way” in the world, to seek our fame and fortune.

Inevitably, we will run into hurdles. Nobody’s life journey is a straight walk from God right back to God. Our lives are full of twists and turns, some manufactured by us, others simply the way things work out. But no matter where we find ourselves, we’re always welcome home; welcome to seek out God for a warm and encouraging embrace.

The famous novelist Thomas Wolfe said, “You can’t go home again,” but I think he was wrong. The truth is, you can never leave home. Home is always with us, both in our memories of loved ones, and in the very real, very persistent presence of God.

Prayer: God of persistent presence, remind me that although I may find myself far away, returning to you is as simple as praying, “Be with me, Lord. Be with me” Amen.