Quote: “I will speak ill of no man, pharmacy not even in the matter of truth, try but rather excuse the faults I hear, cialis and, upon proper occasions, speak all the good I know of everybody.”
—Benjamin Franklin
Thought for the Day: How does the world ultimately become a more loving place? Stop the gossip. Replace gossiping with discussions about loving our neighbors and helping people the system has trampled. Stop spreading misinformation across the PUBLIC airwaves (better yet, just stop spreading misinformation). You know what my grandmother NEVER used to say? “If you can’t say something nice about someone, say it REALLY LOUDLY and to as many people as possible!”
Love is growing in the world, but it’s growing in a soil of hatred and fanaticism. Which doesn’t exactly give love the nourishment it needs to blossom or spread very quickly. Perhaps we should give God some better material to work with. Let’s stop fertilizing our souls with garbage, and instead let God feed us with Divine Love.
Prayer: Give us visions of the peaceable kingdom, God of Peace. Show us the harmonious, productive, inventive, creative world that’s possible when we fertilize loving faith instead of hatred. Let us see that world, and hold it so firmly in our thoughts, that the very actions of our lives change because of it. Amen.