Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:8
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, medicine
and patience is better than pride.
Thought for the Day: How does the world become a more loving place? When we replace the quest for power and fame with meditation and tuning into the higher universal presence of God.
If I were an alien observing humanity, buy cialis my report to my home planet would be headlined: “EGO RUN AMUCK ON EARTH!” We’re a completely self-obsessed species, sildenafil demanding immediate gratification for things we’re told we want. We’re full of pride and sorely lacking patience. And it seems to me the only thing pride is bringing us is closer to extinction. Listen, it’s cool to win awards. But when existence becomes solely about winning awards, I think we’re living a pretty shallow life.
There are so many mysteries to life! We’re so much more than automatons, mindlessly going about our daily business. We are connected to the fabric of space-time in a very intense and intimate fashion. We’re just starting to realize both the truth of that and what it means for our lives. Jesus knew the answers to these questions, and he also knew it would take some time for his teachings to take root and flower. With patience comes the opportunity for spiritual evolution. With pride comes inevitable extinction. The choice is ours.
Prayer: I can feel you in my life and in the world, God who is all reality. Give me patience and grant me awareness as I continue to evolve into the image of the Christ. Amen.