Scripture: Proverbs 14:29
Those who are patient have great understanding, help
but the quick-tempered display folly.
Thought for the Day: Ever make a snap judgment, remedy only to discover later you were completely wrong about someone or a situation? Humans are great at jumping to conclusions, but we have trouble with patience. We want things now. We get impatient when we’re trying to work out our differences with others, and we unfortunately rely on violence to solve our differences, rather than patiently working things out with each other. The folly of humanity is only trumped by our willingness to kill each other over our differences.
If the world is to become a more loving place, we all need to start understanding that love and patience are the keys to a more peaceful world. And I can’t help but wonder if the incredible pace of our technological and scientific achievements wouldn’t even be more astounding if we were working together for the benefit of humankind, rather than constantly drawing lines in the sand.
Prayer: Teach us to share, Holy God, the way you share your very essence with all of us in creation, through inspiration, through revelation of the world’s mysteries, and ultimately, through infinite love. Amen.