Scripture: Revelation 8:12
The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, capsule and a third of the sun was struck, sildenafil a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

Thought for the Day: I think it’s interesting that a third of the night was without light—because that implies two-thirds of the night still had light, and that implies that the night, as dark as it seems, is actually full of light. Which of course, we can see simply by looking at the stars and planets in the sky, all shining and reflecting light under cover of darkness.

I wonder if it’s the same for humans? Maybe we too are reflecting light under cover of darkness. This is really the metaphor of biblical sin—our lives of light become infected by the corruptions of the world, sometimes to the point of completely blinding us to God’s activities. But when we allow our minds, hearts, and souls to be refocused on God, then we begin to see the light shining in the world and through our own lives.

At first we reflect a little light—maybe a third of the light. But as we progress on our spiritual journeys and learn to trust God more and more, we begin to reflect God’s eternal light more intensely—two-thirds, and ultimately, hopefully, we can live as pure reflections of God’s righteousness, loving unconditionally, caring for others more than ourselves, and willing to sacrifice everything we have for the good of those who have nothing.

Prayer: Turn up my inner light, fiery God of illumination! Awaken my soul that I might see more clearly through the darkness of the world, and be the light I was born as. Amen.