All effort and exertion put forth by man from the fullness of his heart is worship, if it is prompted by the highest motives and the will to do service to humanity.  — `Abdu’l-Bahá

Thought for the Day:  `Abdu’l-Bahá was the son of the Bahá’í faith’s founder. He and his family grew up in exile, never welcomed in the Ottoman Empire that destroyed their native Persia (and laid the groundwork for all the turmoil in the region today). Bahá’í is built on three solid principles: the unity of God (there is only one God, the source of all things), the unity of religion (all major religions have a common spiritual source; the same God), and the unity of humanity (all humans are created equal, and diversity of race, gender, etc,. should be celebrated). The purpose of humans is to know and love God through prayer, reflection, and service to others. Worship is found in daily acts of selflessness.

Selflessness. It’s the running theme in Christianity and Judaism and Islam, too (and Buddhism, for that matter). When we serve from our heart, when we put the needs of others far and away above our own needs, we make a deep God-connection. Worship is about a love for God that is so intense, it simply compels you to serve others, not steal from them. Worship is about giving all your stuff away, not hoarding it. Worship cannot be found by stealing from the poor and jacking people out of their houses and refusing them healthcare.

Ultimately, it’s our choice: are we going to be the sort of person who does our best to work from higher motives of selflessness, or are we going to be greedy, loud, obnoxious louts, willing to hold up progress and maintain oppression of the poor for our own selfish reasons, all while claiming “that’s the way God wants it”? The former is what I expect from people who call themselves religious. The latter is what I expect, unfortunately, from Congress.

Prayer: Soften the hearts of those who would claim to speak for you, Holy God, and help us all realize that the truest way to you is through selfless service to our brothers and sisters in need all over the planet. Amen.