Scripture: Exodus 14:31

And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, cheap the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.

Thought for the Day: Whenever you read the word “fear” in relationship to God, view think of it more as “awe.” There is no need to be afraid of God—“fear of God” is one of those phrases that has a completely different meaning today than in the original language and context, doctor in this case 2600 years ago, in a language that no longer even exists.

The idea that “people feared the Lord” is really more akin to, “people had enormous respect and awe for this powerful entity that freed them from oppression and adopted them as his own.” What an awesome feeling to be adopted by God! So naturally, the people were awe-struck and immediately put all their faith in God.

It seems to me faith is beyond the fear of judgment. Faith is deeper and more meaningful, because faith in God means we have faith in God’s trustworthiness—faith that God WILL NOT condemn us and HAS NOT condemned us.  Real faith, deep faith, helps us realize the awesome nature of the universe and the God who is, was, and always will be absolutely awe-inspiring.

Prayer: You inspire me to greatness, love, mercy, forgiveness and gratitude, Holy God. I put my faith in you completely, and it changes me forever. Amen.