Scripture: James 1:22
Do not merely listen to the word, viagra and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

Thought for the Day: Ah, search sweet James, ever the man of action. He quickly tired of people who claimed to be followers of Christ, but never put his teachings into practice. For James, if you have faith, you’re compelled to act as Jesus did: feeding the hungry, standing up for the oppressed, fighting for justice through enlightenment of the species. But James and Paul both run across people who find it easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. Over time, I think this attitude had a lot to do with Jesus becoming less the example we are to follow and more the intercessor to God we are supposed to pray through. After all, it’s easier to pray to Jesus than to actually live his life of sacrifice. James saw this development within 100 years of Jesus’ death, and it upset him tremendously.

Jesus calls us all to a drastically different way of life. It demands we completely change our skin and step into a brand new concept of what it means to be human. Jesus’ way turns everything we thought about humanity and human institutions on it’s head. Instead of greed and profit motive, we are motivated by selflessness and a desire to stand up for the oppressed. Instead of hoarding away goods and money, we willingly and happily share with each other, because the Jesus Way means if one of us is hungry, we’re all hungry; if one of us is homeless, we’re all homeless; if one of us is disenfranchised, we’re all disenfranchised.

It is a difficult path indeed, but Jesus never said changing the world would be easy.

Prayer:  Help me put Jesus’ words into action today, Holy God. May I be patient, wise, understanding; compassionate, selfless and helpful to everyone I meet. May you ignite the holy spark within us all, so that our faith leads us to think and act differently, like our Spiritual Master, Jesus. Amen.