Here’s a prayer to start off your week. Spend some silent meditation time where [silence] is indicated.

I offer my life to you, holy lord,
my ordinary, regular life.
Everything I do,
every thought,
every action,
I offer to you, now.


With my attention focused on you,
life looks different.
The world looks different.
Through your eyes I see love.
In your passionate embrace, I feel love.
Focused on you, I am love.


Unfortunately, sometimes I reject your embrace.
I’m lost, somewhere,
habits haunting me,
problems attacking me,
building traps to keep you out,
and keep me in.
I offer all my sufferings to you.


I am thankful, God.
With incredible graciousness,
You continue to embrace me, patiently
Dis-integrating my barriers,
my fears,
my biases.
Do this for all of us, Lord.

Dis-integrate our distractions,
our barriers,
and integrate us into your very being,
God of all Being.

For all who suffer:
the oppressed and the oppressor,
the patient and the healer,
the politician and the proletariat,
dis-integrate our barriers.
Make our lives,
our ordinary, regular lives,
