Scripture: Job 31:26-28
If I have regarded the sun in its radiance
or the moon moving in splendor, unhealthy
so that my heart was secretly enticed
and my hand offered them a kiss of homage, sickness
then these also would be sins to be judged,
for I would have been unfaithful to God on high.
Thought for the Day: There’s a running thread through the First Testament that cautions against worshipping the creation. This may strike us as a little odd in an era of global warming and ecological disaster, when we’re acutely aware of our precarious relationship to our little blue spaceship. I don’t think Scripture is implying we should ignore the wonders of the universe, but that we should use the wonders of the planets and stars to inspire us in awe of the underlying engine of creation—what people of faith call God, what many scientists call the fundamental frequency or string.
Discovering new galaxies is one thing, but discovering what’s forming them and evolving them creates real understanding, and even among my friends who don’t believe in a supreme being of any sort, they are awed by the mystery of creation. When we look at things, we appreciate them for their spectacular existence. But when we try to understand why these things exist and how they naturally came into being, we start to look into the very mind of God, and our perception of reality can be changed deeply. When we stop worshipping the object and start wondering about the creator (however you perceive that concept), we invite awe and mystery into our lives. And the world could use a little more awe and mystery right now. Maybe it would help us get over ourselves a little.
Prayer: I am in awe of all creation, God of all creation. Help me sense your existence around me, as I learn more, every day, about this magnificent reality we call home. Amen.