Scripture: Ephesians 6:9
And masters, and treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, doctor since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, ambulance and there is no favoritism with him.
Thought for the Day: The trading outpost was, of necessity, an unusual mix of people: bankers, priests, butchers, wives, daughters, students, warriors, travelers, blacksmiths, and merchants for a kilometer. The little town was filled like an ethnic stew, flavored by the entire known world. There were Romans and Jews, with an odd Assyrian here and there, and always a Greek or two who just stopped in to gas up. The crossroads of an international trade route was a good place to be. People generally got along, even if they didn’t necessarily care for each other that much. It was a town used to strangers.
One day, Jesus walked into town and sought out the local tavern. He and some friends had been traveling for days. They were hungry and thirsty. By now, Jesus’ reputation preceded him, so when Jesus entered a room, he really entered a room. And they had been waiting for him here, hoping, wondering if this mystic would visit this town, and what he was really all about.
[To be continued]
Prayer: Feed my soul, Mothering Spirit, and fill me with the welcoming love of Christ. Amen.