Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:5-6
There are different kinds of service, pills but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, viagra sale but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
Thought for the Day: “I’m a waiter!” someone shouted. “I’m a banker,” said another.
“I’m a bartender!”
“A cook!”
“A prostitute!”
“A teacher!”
“I build homes!”
“I run an inn!”
Soon, everyone in the tavern was shouting out what they did for a living. Jesus stood up and tried to get a word in above the growing din. “NO! You are not those things!” The place quieted down as the crowd, somewhat confused, tried to understand where Jesus was going with this. A lot of them had apprenticed for many years to become highly skilled in their trade. So if they weren’t what they had spent their life studying to be, who were they?
“I have been called a Rabbi, a prophet, the Son of God, the Son of Man, a savior, a sinner, a heretic, a teacher, a rebel. The Romans think I’m the leader of a revolution. My Jewish brothers and sisters think I’m here to create a break in our tradition. I tell you, I am none of these things. People will always label you, but I consider myself a humble servant. I ask you all to think of yourselves as servants too.” The waiters and waitresses in the pub looked at each other knowingly. “Um, Jesus?” One of the waiters began, “I know I’m a servant. My question is, how can I get a better job? I’m not thrilled about being a servant. I want to be Emperor!” The entire room burst into loud, raucous laughter.
Jesus couldn’t help but laugh. “I know. We think of service as a burden. We all want power, money, fame. But I’m not lying to you when I tell you the greatest power lies in no power, the greatest fame lies in anonymity, and the greatest wealth lies in complete poverty. Look at me. I, like you, am simply a servant. But I do not serve the Empire, I do not serve organized religion. I serve God, and God alone. And in complete and utter faithfulness to God, I serve every one of you.”
There was silence in the room—a long, uncomfortable silence. “I’m sorry, Master.” The craftswoman who made the table Jesus so admired spoke up. “I’m afraid you’re confusing us. What are you saying, that the jobs we perform, the art and culture we create, this table I spent so much time on—it means nothing? We should give it all up and do what? Follow you around the desert?”
Jesus smiled and said, “On the contrary, my child. I’m saying that the work you do—the work we all do, means even more than we realize. This table you’ve created, with each piece in perfect harmony, is the world God intends. Each of us is a perfect part of this world, only most of us have no idea where or how we fit. We think of ourselves as outcasts, or menial laborers, or slaves. We are not. We are children of the Most High God, and God’s desire is for each of us to fulfill our potential, for each of us to live to serve God.
“There is no task too large or too small on this planet, and I am telling you that every task is a task for God. Most of us never realize we are serving God, though. We never stop to even think it’s possible to serve God, because the powers that be—both from religion and from Empire, have told us we’re not smart enough, or trained enough, or good enough. But God is with you all, in every moment, in every task. Wake up! Wake up to God living within you! Wake up to God, who drives your very being, and drives you to create, to sew, to bartend, to build, to barter, to serve.”
Jesus sat down, exhausted. A waitress brought him ale. “This planet could be so different,” Jesus said more to himself than anyone else. “Does anybody see what I see?” The crowd began going back about their business. Some people rolled their eyes at each other over the crazy man that had entered their midst. But several people joined Jesus and his companions at the table, ordered some food, and said, simply, “Tell us more.”
Prayer: Tell me more, Lord. Show me more, God. Help me see past the illusions of our human-created, demon-haunted world, to the truth of my being, and I will serve you completely. Amen.