Monday Meditation

For all your glories, mind Holy God, ailment
we give fathomless thanks.
We gaze at our enormously beautiful universe, view
and are filled with awe and wonder,
knowing you are present everywhere.

God our creator,
how beautiful you are,
your eyes the stars,
your body the fabric of space,
your love the energy that flows to us,
through us,
and back to you.

Your immensity boggles our minds.


Unfortunately, ours is a world of suffering, Lord.
Help us get through the days
by recognizing your calming presence in our midst.

Bring peace to our loved ones who suffer.
Bring peace and wholeness to our fractured world.
Let all the people,
of every nation,
from every corner of the globe,
understand and feel your unconditional love.

Compel us to reach out to our neighbor,
our enemy,
the poor and the stranger,
and embrace them with the same
acceptance, compassion, and grace
with which you embrace us.


For all our trespasses, we ask forgiveness,
and rest knowing we are forgiven.
Show us how to forgive others, Holy God,
the way you always forgive us,
every time we act contrary to our true nature,
to your nature,
to that glorious, connected nature so present in Jesus Christ,
who taught us to pray…

Our creator, who is all being,
honored is your name.
All existence is your dominion,
all activity is your inspiration.
Give us this day our daily needs.
Forgive us our mistakes,
and grant us the humility to forgive others,
as you forgive us.
For yours is the only power,
and all glorious, forever. Amen.