Scripture: Acts 2:46b-47
They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, order praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
Thought for the Day: I think sharing a meal together is one of the most powerful worship experiences available to us. We eat several times throughout the day, advice and often we eat with friends and family. These are each terrific opportunities to go to God with thanks and praise.
Also, doctor sharing food and stories around the table with each other is a powerful way to get to know new people and cultures. When we break bread together we begin to break down the walls that separate us. We have the opportunity for communion several times each day. The next time you’re headed out to lunch, invite someone you don’t know very well along. It’s always been my experience that we have much more in common than we thought, especially if the basis of our meal and conversation is belief that God is an active and powerful force in every one of our lives.
Prayer: May I be blessed with opportunities to explore other cultures and languages, and in so doing discover that in you, Holy Lord, we are all truly one people. Amen.