Proverbs 4.20-27 (CEB):
My child, pay attention to my words. Bend your ear to my speech. Don’t let them slip from your sight. Guard them in your mind. They are life to those who find them, and healing for their entire body.
More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it. Have nothing to do with a corrupt mouth; keep devious lips far from you. Focus your eyes straight ahead; keep your gaze on what is in front of you. Watch your feet on the way, and all your paths will be secure.
Don’t deviate a bit to the right or the left; turn your feet away from evil.
Musicians become intimately familiar with the physics of sound. This is especially true for audio engineers, the people you see at concerts covered in cable spaghetti, surrounded by knobs, faders, and screens like they’re on the bridge of Star Trek’s Enterprise.
Audio Engineers are also the invisible masters of sound on your favorite recordings. They say things to each other like, “We need to pull 2K out of the vocals by a couple dB,” or “Push 65Hz in the bass drum,” referring to specific frequencies of sound that shape what listeners hear. For example, adding 65Hz to a bass drum often gives it the rounded, “thumpy” sound popular in dance music.
Music is a Physical Experience
Musicians understand that sound is more than something we hear. To be heard, music has to physically move through the environment. Sound is physical and needs a medium to travel through, like cars on a highway. The medium for sound is usually air, which is why music often affects us profoundly, in the depths of our being.
We never merely listen to music, we experience it. Music travels through us spiritually, intellectually, and physically, often creating a sub-molecular explosion of absolute confidence in God’s pervasive, invasive love.
Why do most of us overflow with uncontrollable tears of joy during pretty much any part, but especially during the fourth movement (“Ode to Joy”) of Beethoven’s Ninth? Because somehow, in any language, his music resonates with us. And I mean resonates literally, physically, as if we are the pipes of a pipe organ, the music of the universe flowing through us, flooding the world with joy.
These good vibrations we feel when listening to music are more than New Age, feel-good mumbo-jumbo. Scientists are discussing the concept of vibrations as the basic building blocks of matter. Known as “String Theory,” it’s entirely possible that frequencies—musical notes—are the keys to understanding the creative mechanism of God.
What is String Theory and Why Do I Care?
String Theory is a sort of “theory of everything” with one, elegant idea: All physical reality is created by tiny vibrating strings. These strings create different fundamental building blocks depending on their frequencies—their musical pitches, in essence.
Understanding string theory is crucial because it helps us better describe the nature and activity of God in the 21st Century. Reality—multiple realities, in fact, are formed from one master, vibrating string singing the world into existence.
String Theory helps us describe God in a more intimate way than we have ever imagined, as Emmanuel, God with us—not externally, but within—and that not even as some disembodied spirit, but as the physical, molecular structure of our being. For those of us with a spiritual attitude about existence, string theory suggests we are made materially from the fabric of God, and that everything emanates from the good vibrations of God’s being.
I love string theory not only for its elegance but also because it implies that everything is created with sound. All is music. “In the beginning was the word,” is true in a more fabulous way than perhaps the authors imagined (John 1:1). We gain new meaning from that phrase if we think about it in terms of string theory. In the beginning was the word. We are the songs God is singing. Isn’t that lovely? We are all God songs.
String Theory as the Word of God
What Christians call “the word” is referred to as Aum in many Eastern cultures. Aum is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe. The concept of Aum or “the word” creating our universe is supported by string theory’s suggestion that subatomic “strings” oscillate to form matter. Remembering our fundamental physics, anything in motion creates energy. Quantum physics reveals that everything is in motion, so everything large or small is essentially, energy. Like everything else, we are bundles of energy, broadcasting and receiving on a multitude of universal frequencies. In fact, we are always broadcasting and receiving.
It’s an unconscious activity for most of us because it happens naturally, but like a finely tuned instrument, we all resonate at particular frequencies, and the frequency at which we resonate depends on and affects our mood, our lifestyle, our stress levels, and all the other emotions that make us human. As with other musical instruments, the environment changes our tuning. Musical instruments are sensitive to changes in the weather. We are too, but we’re also sensitive to socio-political climates, the emotions of friends and family members, and the way they make us feel. We sense frequency changes and the frequencies other people are broadcasting. The more we become aware of this always-around-us vibrational energy (God) the better we get at both receiving and transmitting the loving, healing energy of the Conscious Universe.
Ascending to Higher Vibrations
As we continue to ascend into a greater sense of our spiritual being throughout our lives, it’s important to remember the ideas of resonance and sympathetic vibrations. As humans, we too are musical instruments. We are intended to be finely tuned into the God frequency, the frequency of love. This is the example we see in Jesus Christ and Buddha — beings entirely in tune with the universal harmonics of love.
As both broadcasters and receivers, we receive frequencies from everyone around us and the world in general, all the time. This is why our current perpetual bad news cycle is so damaging. When we consistently receive bad news, we begin to transmit negative energy. We’re tuned into a negative frequency, and thus transmit the same. But just as we can change the channel on the TV and find something less harmful to watch, so too can we change our spiritual channel.
We are created from God’s frequency, and we are created to broadcast God’s love frequency out to the world. We’re always ready to tune back into God’s love frequency. We are made with the capacity to receive God’s love frequency. Is this not the example of Jesus Christ? A human being also fully God? Does not every single story about him show a human being broadcasting a message and lifestyle of complete, unconditional love? He is able to do this not because of any supernatural ability, but because he is aware of his natural ability to tune in to the God-source within every one of us.
As beings created from the word of God — as God’s love songs, we are capable of continually receiving a stream of love from God. In truth, we’re always receiving this, because we can never be separated from God. However, we’re pretty good at tuning God out. One of the ways we can tune ourselves up is by listening to specific frequencies that alter our sense of being. Most of us have had an experience with a song, a melody, even a spoken word that somehow buzzes through our veins, intensifying our conscious awareness of reality.
Emotionally reacting to harmonious vibrations makes sense if you consider the songs that make you feel happy, or sad, or angry. Music makes us feel not only because of moving lyrics and heart-wrenching melodies, but also because music creates specific frequencies that physically affect our tuning. We can use this understanding of the way our bodies, minds, and spirits interact with frequency to more intentionally tune-in to God.
Some people have started to loosely experiment with music composed around specific energies. Many of these tones seem to calm, rejuvenate, and/or restore us mentally, spiritually, and physically. I’ve provided a link to a specific frequency, 528Hz, sometimes referred to as “The Love Frequency,” because it creates a state of serenity and a sense of cosmic connection in test subjects.
I highly recommend that you seek out some of the different tuning frequencies and spend an hour or so a few times a week retuning. See which frequencies work for you and when. Keep notes to refer to later. Always remember that these celestial tones are designed to tune you into God, the fundamental vibration from which we are all sung into being.
528 Hz Video:
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